I suppose I owe you an actual blog post hmm?
First of all, thank you so much for all of the kind birthday wishes!--it certainly made my day that much happier! (
Those of you who are interested: yes I had a fantastic time that night and yes I remember every bit of it!)
Here's a random factoid I wasn't aware of until recently: Did you know that you can purchase online gift certificates for Ebay? I was not aware! I found out when my wonderful friend Kyle generously gave me one for my birthday! The one requirement? It was for yarn purchases only.
Well if you're going to twist my arm Kyle...and look what he ended up getting me!
2 skeins of gorgeous Malabrigo Kyle? What fantastic taste you have! What am I making with this gorgeous color? Only time will tell...
Moving on in knitting news, I opted to make myself a new pair of mittens after I was dubbed "a bad little kitten who'd lost my mittens," earlier this month. After it randomly (and I mean
randomly) snowed 4 inches in one afternoon about a week ago, I decided that this replacement needed to happen sooner rather than later. Enter Mitered Mitts:
These mittens really need no introduction, but for those who are interested, it's EZ's Mitered Mitts from Knitter's Almanac. This probably has to be the easiest mitten pattern ever. Since these mittens are going to be used while I'm commuting via bike, I opted to do the standard side thumb shown a la
Grace Schnebly. These are such a quick knit my only excuse for not having them finished is that I've had my mind blown by college this past week. Here's the progress on the second one...
I've just cleared the thumb which means nothing but clear skies and smooth sailing here on out!
Lastly, I've decided to start a secret project which I'm incredibly excited to begin.
(Observant readers will note that this yarn originally debuted here).
What on earth could I be doing with 2 skeins of Tahki Cotton Classic and one GIANT crocheted chain?? (
*hint* the chain will be for a gigantic provisional cast on). Yikes! You won't be kept in the dark too long, more updates to follow in a more reasonable fashion!