Yes, yes, it's true: One year ago today, I launched this little project of mine--how time has flown! During the past year, this little blog has grown to serve as the modus operandi of my projects, experiences, thoughts, emotions (both high and low), and lord knows whatever else I've thrown into the mix. I personally love having an outlet that I can use [at all hours] to talk about whatever it is that's got my goat (pun intended) at the time. Simply put, it has been (and will continue to be) a fantastic place for self reflection.
On the topic of reflection, I've been thinking a lot about why I chose the title I did for this blog. Despite it seeming obvious, I've determined that my life post-knitting has been predominantly happy. Really happy. Before I found this craft, I had this unfulfillable void searching for a hobby that really felt like home. My time spent knitting has filled that void completely. Looking back, it's terrifying to think that 2 years ago at this time, I hadn't picked up a pair of needles since my mom first taught me to knit at age 8! Can you believe it? Life without knitting would just be so.....sad! This brings me to the subject of happiness in general. I'd definitely consider myself a "glass half full" kinda gal, and I'll be the first to tell you that you really never are fully dressed without a smile. That said, I'm going to throw this one out to you:
What is it that makes you happy?
I basically love asking people this question. In my experience, it's one of the best ways to get to know somebody. Would you mind indulging me? Pretty please?
Because it's my first blogaversary, I will officially call this a "contest", though your response isn't going to be judged or put in any crazy order of validity--that'd just be weird. Simply answer the question however you think is best. Your answer can be about friends, family, movies, books, activities, crazy rituals, you name it! Plus by doing so, you'll automatically be entered into a drawing for some fun goodies sent with care by yours truly. **Don't forget to include an email address so I can contact you if you win!** To put some sort of timeframe on this, let’s have it finished up by October 1st at 11:59 pm shall we? (can you tell I'm getting used to college deadlines again??)
Lastly, I wanted to take the time showcase the site that really got me interested in the idea of starting my own blog, and who really got me fired up about knitting again. Christina, I can't say I know you extremely well (or at all really) but thank you for blogging the way you do; it helped me start something I love!
and last but not least, a link to my first [pathetically comical] post.