The randomness gods have spoken, and they have chosen...
Kara from Knitting Lemonade! Congratulations friend, we'll be in touch to discuss your winnings!
In response to everyone who left me happy messages, thank you so much! As I read each comment, I noticed that it was impossible to do so without smiling. As I mentioned previously, I find it captivating to see how people relate and differ when asked exactly the same thing--especially something so individualized. I also loved that, in most cases, I could sense the writers smiling as they thought out their answers. Talk about warm fuzzies!
Oh, and if you're interested in the results...It seems that both loved ones & knitting time were incredibly high scorers. I would definitely have to agree with the group concensus on this one-- Those are two things that make this knitter extremely happy!
Hurrah! Thank you so much! You are such a doll.