It's true.
My mom is one of the most important influences in my life-- I don't know where (or who) I'd be without her.
As for the heart, it was [REALLY] quick and simple!
Pattern: Hearts
Needles: US #5 Addi Turbos
Yarn: di.Ve' Autunno (This pattern would be great for scraps!)
Time to knit: 15 minutes undisturbed (or a medium length Skype convo in my case.)
Level of love: I <3 style="font-style: italic;"> (Get it?)
That's all for now...
I love you, mom--very much. Happy Mother's Day!
Dear my friends I offer you “One lovely blog award” Please take the award foto from my blog
It's that time of year the homemade 'card' :)